Thursday 7 July 2011

Overall results record

Coursework: A                         Exam Grade: C
                       Overall Grade: B

   - My group had their own filming equipment which helped us, as we all new how to use our   
      equipment  and didn't have any difficulties.
   - Improve in using the softwares and organise my notes and time better .
Targets to improve this year
   - To make set times of planning and filming to have more time for editing.

   - Giving a point, example and explanation for each question.
   - Done more timed practice papers to be able to finish  answering the questions..
Targets to improve this year
   - Practice timed papers to improve my speed of answering questions.

What did you enjoy last year ?
I enjoyed the preparations and filming process 

What did you not enjoy about year 12 media ?
I did not enjoy creating the scripts and storyboards before each new draft however it was essential for the filming process.

What do you want to achieve in year 13 ?
To be more organized with the time set and be able to plan and film in time planned. 

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