Friday 21 October 2011

Assignment 8: Groups and proposal

We have been put into out groups for the coursework, the first thing we did was to discuss about our own ideas and which ideas we might take forward. Im my group Im working with Donnielle, Michelle and Jade
Our own ideas were :
Karolina (Me)
- How has art changed over time?
- How has films changed over time ?
- how are people affected by games?
- (Beauty) How has makeup changed ?
- The affects of alchol 
- Japanese culture
- Bullying
- Social class
- How have we become dependent on technology ?
- How has the structure of families changed ?
- Crime and deviance
- Bullying

The three ideas we would take forward and why
1. Dependence on technology - interesing subject and can include about games
2. Make up - interesting and would is to get a lot of evidence
3. Family structure - interesting topics
Reasons for dropping all other ideas

  • Art - niche audience
  • Films - difficult to obtain evidence
  • Alchol - practical issue
  • Japanese culture - low research
  • Social class - low research
  • Crime and deviance - practical issue
  • Bullying - to broad

Targets to be successful this year
- All participate to create the best and make it quicker
- Organise time eficiantly to get the shots and edit easier

Thursday 20 October 2011

Assignment 7: OFCOM

This presentation is about Ofcom's rules, regulations and the relationship to channels and audience.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Current grade

My target grade is _____.  
My current grade is ____.  
To improve to next grade I need to…..

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Assignment 6: Conventions of (TV) documentaries

This presentation is about documentary conventions and the way they are used, developed and challenged.

Saturday 8 October 2011

Assignment 5: TV Channel research

This presentation is research on different TV channels to see what times and target audience they have.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Independent individual research about the ancillaries

This is some research I did on ancillaries to analyse the conventions use and to know what I need to include to create effective double page spreads and newspapers.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Class Topic ideas from presentation

These are a few of my classmates documentary ideas and my thoughts on the ideas.
What I liked

Donnielle :
Idea - Japanese culture
- Good idea

Shahna :
Idea - music videos
- Good idea - good examples

Rafaella :
Idea - Book
- A good, non common idea - good research

Who you want in your group?
I'd like to work with Donnielle as we are friends we will work well together and as we have different skills it will help develop each others skills.

Assignment 4 : Individual ( phase 1) Presentation

This is a presentation of my documentary ideas.

- Good organisation, easy to understand
- Nice ideas and set out well

- Show research
- Look at target audience - What would audience like to watch

Targets to improve
- Show research to give an idea of the episodes
- How will the episodes interest the audience
2 Peer and Self assessment - front
2 Peer and Self assessment - back

Teacher assessment

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Marking Criteria for the Presentation of the Research and Planning - OCR

This is the marking criteria for the research and planning from the OCR website. By posting this on my blog it will be easier and helpful for me to look at to improve my work.

Level 4 16–20 marks
    Planning and research evidence will be complete and detailed;
    There is excellent research into similar products and a potential target audience;
    There is excellent organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props;
    There is excellent work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding;
    There is an excellent level of care in the presentation of the research and planning;
    Time management is excellent.