Friday 21 October 2011

Assignment 8: Groups and proposal

We have been put into out groups for the coursework, the first thing we did was to discuss about our own ideas and which ideas we might take forward. Im my group Im working with Donnielle, Michelle and Jade
Our own ideas were :
Karolina (Me)
- How has art changed over time?
- How has films changed over time ?
- how are people affected by games?
- (Beauty) How has makeup changed ?
- The affects of alchol 
- Japanese culture
- Bullying
- Social class
- How have we become dependent on technology ?
- How has the structure of families changed ?
- Crime and deviance
- Bullying

The three ideas we would take forward and why
1. Dependence on technology - interesing subject and can include about games
2. Make up - interesting and would is to get a lot of evidence
3. Family structure - interesting topics
Reasons for dropping all other ideas

  • Art - niche audience
  • Films - difficult to obtain evidence
  • Alchol - practical issue
  • Japanese culture - low research
  • Social class - low research
  • Crime and deviance - practical issue
  • Bullying - to broad

Targets to be successful this year
- All participate to create the best and make it quicker
- Organise time eficiantly to get the shots and edit easier

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