Wednesday 7 December 2011

Sample A2 Coursework

This presentation shows the marks I gave to a sample of A2 coursework which is similar to my documentary theme.  

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Evaluation Questions

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  • Conventions - interview shots that include presenter and interviewee, reconstructions will be filmed and animated to show the development of technology.
  • Forms - technology documentary, try to have a wide audience through the way its presented with an informative and interesting through different shots using the technology.
2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
  • We tried to use binary numbers(0101) to refer to technology and a globe or darwin theory to refer to evolution.
  • Different colour blocs to create the writing representing the games episode with the Tetris game.
3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?
  • Need to research more on what channel the product will be on and compare with other similar products.
4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
  • Experimented with Flash and movie editing programs to create titles and credits.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Current grade

My last current grade was ____.  
My target grade is _____. 
My current grade is ____.  
To improve to next grade I need to…..

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Assignment 9:Group Presentation draft 3

This is the part of what was improved for assignment 9 (group presentation). We developed the documentary structure. 

Assignment 9: Group Presentation draft 2

This is the second draft of the group presentation. The documentary structure has been improved.

Assignment 9: Group Presentation

This is my group presentation about our documentary idea and plan.

Click on images to open moving image
Slide 42 :
Slide 44:
Slide 45:
Slide 46: 
Slide 49:

- Slides clear and easy to understand
- Good research
- More research on channels and ofcom
- Speak louder
Peer assessment

Friday 21 October 2011

Assignment 8: Groups and proposal

We have been put into out groups for the coursework, the first thing we did was to discuss about our own ideas and which ideas we might take forward. Im my group Im working with Donnielle, Michelle and Jade
Our own ideas were :
Karolina (Me)
- How has art changed over time?
- How has films changed over time ?
- how are people affected by games?
- (Beauty) How has makeup changed ?
- The affects of alchol 
- Japanese culture
- Bullying
- Social class
- How have we become dependent on technology ?
- How has the structure of families changed ?
- Crime and deviance
- Bullying

The three ideas we would take forward and why
1. Dependence on technology - interesing subject and can include about games
2. Make up - interesting and would is to get a lot of evidence
3. Family structure - interesting topics
Reasons for dropping all other ideas

  • Art - niche audience
  • Films - difficult to obtain evidence
  • Alchol - practical issue
  • Japanese culture - low research
  • Social class - low research
  • Crime and deviance - practical issue
  • Bullying - to broad

Targets to be successful this year
- All participate to create the best and make it quicker
- Organise time eficiantly to get the shots and edit easier

Thursday 20 October 2011

Assignment 7: OFCOM

This presentation is about Ofcom's rules, regulations and the relationship to channels and audience.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Current grade

My target grade is _____.  
My current grade is ____.  
To improve to next grade I need to…..

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Assignment 6: Conventions of (TV) documentaries

This presentation is about documentary conventions and the way they are used, developed and challenged.

Saturday 8 October 2011

Assignment 5: TV Channel research

This presentation is research on different TV channels to see what times and target audience they have.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Independent individual research about the ancillaries

This is some research I did on ancillaries to analyse the conventions use and to know what I need to include to create effective double page spreads and newspapers.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Class Topic ideas from presentation

These are a few of my classmates documentary ideas and my thoughts on the ideas.
What I liked

Donnielle :
Idea - Japanese culture
- Good idea

Shahna :
Idea - music videos
- Good idea - good examples

Rafaella :
Idea - Book
- A good, non common idea - good research

Who you want in your group?
I'd like to work with Donnielle as we are friends we will work well together and as we have different skills it will help develop each others skills.

Assignment 4 : Individual ( phase 1) Presentation

This is a presentation of my documentary ideas.

- Good organisation, easy to understand
- Nice ideas and set out well

- Show research
- Look at target audience - What would audience like to watch

Targets to improve
- Show research to give an idea of the episodes
- How will the episodes interest the audience
2 Peer and Self assessment - front
2 Peer and Self assessment - back

Teacher assessment

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Marking Criteria for the Presentation of the Research and Planning - OCR

This is the marking criteria for the research and planning from the OCR website. By posting this on my blog it will be easier and helpful for me to look at to improve my work.

Level 4 16–20 marks
    Planning and research evidence will be complete and detailed;
    There is excellent research into similar products and a potential target audience;
    There is excellent organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props;
    There is excellent work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding;
    There is an excellent level of care in the presentation of the research and planning;
    Time management is excellent.

    Thursday 15 September 2011

    5 minute structure plan/template

    This is the structure for documentaries which I will refer to for my documentary.

    Sample storyboard and script

    These are samples of a storyboard and a script. The samples will help me to lay out my storyboard and script in this way.
    Storyboard template
    Shotlist template
    Script 1 template
    Script 2 template

    Assignment 3: Blog Analysis

    Jamilla's Blog

    Jamilla's blog shows her research clearly with pictures and explanations. All the drafts for her documentary and ancillary are organised with descriptions. Also she recorded all the paper form notes on the blog to show how she went forwards. 

    Difyajancy's  Blog

    Difyajancy's blog also has all her planning and research documented on the blog. The difference is that Difyajancy has written about the changes that occurred and the ways to improve it.

    Tuesday 13 September 2011

    Assignment 1: AS coursework analysis

    I analysed the year before coursework to understand what I need to do for my coursework and know what I can do to get a high grade.

    Tuesday 6 September 2011

    Examiners report for G324

    This is the examiners report, it will help to know what I should do for the coursework and I will be able to keep reviewing it on my blog.

    Mark scheme

    I've put up the mark scheme on my blog to be able to keep checking it to make sure to get a high grade in research and planning.



    The specification will help me with my coursework and I will be able to review it on my blog.

    Thursday 7 July 2011

    Media Key Term Sheets

    This is some revision for key terms in media which will help with production and section A of my exam.

    Overall results record

    Coursework: A                         Exam Grade: C
                           Overall Grade: B

       - My group had their own filming equipment which helped us, as we all new how to use our   
          equipment  and didn't have any difficulties.
       - Improve in using the softwares and organise my notes and time better .
    Targets to improve this year
       - To make set times of planning and filming to have more time for editing.

       - Giving a point, example and explanation for each question.
       - Done more timed practice papers to be able to finish  answering the questions..
    Targets to improve this year
       - Practice timed papers to improve my speed of answering questions.

    What did you enjoy last year ?
    I enjoyed the preparations and filming process 

    What did you not enjoy about year 12 media ?
    I did not enjoy creating the scripts and storyboards before each new draft however it was essential for the filming process.

    What do you want to achieve in year 13 ?
    To be more organized with the time set and be able to plan and film in time planned. 

    AS production grades

    Grades for production
    Draft 1 - 23/24
    Draft 2 - 30
    Draft 3 - 31/32
    Draft 4 - 41

    - the lighting and costume which helped to show a convention of film noir genre
    - appropriate and catchy music
    - camera shots

    - to produce better clips in the times set (e.g not shaking)
    - learnt to use garage band to produce own music