Friday 24 February 2012

Script draft 3

  • This is the draft we used for our third draft of the documentary.It has the headings to show in what section of the structure the script is in. 

  • Script draft three
  • Throughout the years technology has developed dramatically from simple devices to more complexdevices that do more than its function.
  • Computers are now an important part of society but does the use of computers lead to decreasingsocial skills. The increase of social networking sites mean that people can now socialise online butwhat affect is this having on society. The languages skills of pupils in full time education can beaffected by the use of social networking sites like msn. We ask English teachers whether languagehas been affected by social networking sites and if language is becoming lazy.
  • Nowadays the games that are advertised involve physical interaction but what physical damage isthis having on our bodys. Games consoles like wii and kinect are marketed as exercise but is ithealthier to ride a bicycle outside or on the wii.
  • The Mobile phone which once used as a device to make phone calls can now do things like takepictures, access the internet, send and receive messages and listen to music. With so many apps andthe development of smart phones this raises the question: how many people actually use theirphones to make phone calls alone.
  • Introduction of episode:
  • The representation of gender has dramatically changed over the years from the damsel in distress tohyper sexualised females. Some have even become the heroines and main characters. Players canchoose their characters and make them look however they want. We will be comparing princesspeach in Mario to the females in grand theft auto and Lara croft in tomb raider.
  • There has been a movement from pixelated images to computer generated images known as CGIs.This immerses the player into the game because the images in the video games resemble the objectsin our everyday lives. The improvement of technology has meant that the graphics in video gameshas also improved for example in previous video games like sonic, the main character sonic wouldhave to jump on the baddie to get rid of them but in modern video games like assassins creed whenthe player kills the bad guys stabbing, shooting and bloody scenes are shown.
  • The violent images in video games shows that the violence in video games has increased. In videogames such as grand theft auto, assassins creed and la noir players can inflict violence on thecharacters and commit all sorts of crimes without the game showing the real consequences of theiractions.
  • Development
  • In modern video games women have been highly sexualised it is estimated that 28%of women arerepresented as sex objects in video games. This statistic can be seen when you compare the damselin distress in Mario to the prostitutes in grand theft auto. The character princess peach in Mario ispresented with blonde hair wearing a pink dress which is the typical stereotype of a female.Nowadays due to the role of women changing, in games like grand theft auto women are presentedwith large breasts, large hips and very revealing clothes. So does this representation mean that womens role in the media is to be a sex object? We asked members of the public what theythought of this poster advertising grand theft auto: vice city. After asking members of the publicwhat they thought of the way women are represented in modern video games, we visited theconvent of Jesus and Mary language college and asked an expert sociologist about what she thoughtof women being sexualised in video games.
  • Join us after the break when we will be looking at how some video games have represented femalesas independent heroines in games like tomb raider and final fantasy.

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